Save Wolves, Old-growth Forests and Our Climate
A unique Alaskan wolf species is being driven extinct by the clearcutting of its old-growth forest home. These same forests trap enormous amounts of carbon, slowing down global warming.
The federal government is considering listing this wolf as an "endangered species" to save it from reckless logging and hunting. This will also help slow global warming.
Alaska is home to some of the last, best old-growth forest on Earth. By saving the forest we can save our climate too.
Please sign the petition below urging the government to protect the wolf and its old-growth forest home.
Secretary Jewell,
Alaska's Alexander Archipelago wolves are being pushed to the brink of extinction because of reckless clearcutting in the Tongass National Forest and elsewhere in southeast Alaska.
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Please protect these beautiful wolves as an endangered species. That will also help protect the old-growth forest where these wolves make their home.
[Your name]
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