Demand apology from Appellate Defender Dennis Hendrickson for his callous insensitivity.

  • por: Debra Young
  • destinatário: Mark Smith, Chief of the Iowa State Appellate Defenders Office

Regarding the overturned animal torture conviction of Zachary Meerdink in the beating death of his 7 month old Boston Terrier puppy.  Assistant Appellate Defender Dennis Dayton Hendrickson made the following statement to Des Moines Register on July 10, 2013,"Sadistic is a pretty high bar," Hendrickson said. "I mean, in Canada, they beat baby seals over the head and club them to death, and I don't hear anybody but the PETA people saying that's torture. It's 'harvesting fur."

This statement is ignorant and insensitive to the millions of animals the world over who are abused, tortured and killed every minute of every day.  It also shows a blatant disregard for those who fight for these animals lives on a daily basis.  It is no wonder that at the age of 61 and an attorney for 34 years that Mr. Hendrickson is still only an assistant.  We who cherish and fight for the lives of all living beings demand a public apology be made by Mr. Hendrickson.

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