Blind and Deaf Dogs Left Without Food or Water for 16 Days!

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Cobb County Authorities

Ashley Davis took in a blind bulldog named Simpson and a deaf pitbull name Lucky and then left them in her former residence for 16 days without food and water!

As a dog mom myself, I can't imagine ever leaving my dogs like this. It is beyond cruel, it is downright abusive. These poor dogs could easily have starved to death. We cannot let this woman get away with her crime. Sign to demand justice for Lucky and Simpson by calling on Cobb County to charge Davis with the harshest punishment possible!

Ashley Davis adopted these dogs by telling rescues that she liked helping animals with disabilities. That's why she got a blind dog and a deaf dog. How could she treat any animal, let alone disabled animals in this way? She literally picked up and moved and just left the dogs there to starve. When found, they were both just skin and bones. 

Thank goodness the dogs are recovering. But we cannot go easy on an animal abuser in this way. We need to send the message loud and clear to society: animal abuse is not acceptable! Sign the call for the harshest punishment for Ashley Davis. 

The police say "She is wanted on two counts of aggravated cruelty to animals and two counts of abandonment of domesticated animal." We demand she is charged with all of this and more!

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