Update the Federal Farm Animal Transport Legislation

  • por: BC SPCA
  • destinatário: Canadian Federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Ministers
The BC SPCA and the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies (CFHS) are working to create awareness of farm animal transportation issues in Canada, and encourage caring individuals across Canada to encourage the federal government and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to make progressive changes to Canada's regulations.

Please sign the petition asking the federal Agriculture and Agri-Food minister and critics to support a much-needed update to the Animal Transportation Regulations.
Dear [Decision Maker],

I would like to thank you for your part in increasing the penalties for infractions under Canada's animal transport regulations, but more action is needed to protect the welfare of farm animals in transport.

Canada's current animal transport regulations are decades-old and inadequate by modern standards. I am greatly concerned by the lack of minimum loading densities, the weak definitions for unfit animals and the extremely long transport times that are allowed in the current regulations.

In addition to stronger regulations, better inspection and enforcement activities are urgently needed to protect these animals.

[Your comments here]

Accordingly, I would like to voice my support for the BC SPCA's Report to the CFIA on the Proposed Amendments to the Transportation of Animals Regulations.

[Your name]
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