Petition for Press Freedom in Nepal

We call on King Gyanendra to immediately reinstate and respect Nepal’s constitutional rights of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of opinion and freedom of association. Express your solidarity with Nepalese journalists, please sign the petition below.
We, the undersigned, call on King Gyanendra to immediately reinstate, and respect both in spirit and practice, Nepal’s constitutional rights of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of opinion and freedom of association.

These rights have been consistently violated by the Nepalese government since February 1, 2005, and must be restored in order to put Nepal back on the path to democracy.

Nepal’s media has been unnecessarily and ruthlessly silenced through unconstitutional bans, intimidation and violence on the part of the Government and insurgents. The Nepalese media must be allowed to report freely and independently, as is their legal entitlement.

We also call for the immediate lifting of broadcasting news bans and a genuine commitment from the King that journalist will be allowed to report without fear for their personal safety.
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