Tell Sarah Palin to Get Her Facts Straight

Sarah Palin's never been one to get her facts straight, and her speech at the "tea party convention" was no exception. For a $100,000 fee, Palin attacked President Obama and the Democratic Congress for everything from Bush-era bailouts to soaring deficits from fixing the ravaged economy the Republicans had left behind.

"A year later, I've got to ask the supporters of all that [Obama agenda], how is that hopey-changey stuff working out for you?" Palin asked to gales of laughter. In fact, it's working pretty well. Under Obama and the Democrats, we've avoided economic collapse, repaired our relationships with our allies and made historic steps toward reforming health care.

Republicans must have very short memories. Maybe Palin forgot about the exploding deficits, skyrocketing unemployment and complete collapse of the financial system George Bush had left in his wake as he left town.

It's time to remind the former governor to pay attention to the facts. Don't let Palin turn back the clock on failed Bush policies.
Dear Gov. Palin,

You've spent a lot of time talking about mistakes President Obama and the Democratic Congress have made, but it's time for you to get your facts straight.

[Your comment will be inserted here]

It's the Republicans and former President George W. Bush you should blame. It was Bush and the Republicans who embroiled us in two expensive wars. It was the Republicans who passed a huge prescription drug package without a way to pay for it. And it was failed economic policy and poor regulation under the Bush administration that resulted in the near collapse of our financial system, frozen credit markets and high unemployment.

The result? Republicans left future generations of Americans with mountains of debt and a shaky economy with which to start to pay it back. We haven't forgotten that Republicans created this mess and we won't stand for your smears.

It's time you learn the facts and work to improve the United States -- not spread lies that tear it down.
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