Cleveland County Sheriff's Office added 2 new photos. Here is the K-9 (German Shepard) we will be selling tickets for at the fair this year. Tickets are $1 and we will raffle off last day of fair. A 10X10 kennel and dog house will come with the puppy. We

  • por: Marie R
  • destinatário: Cleveland County Sheriff's Office

This is absolutely horrendous...It needs to be stopped...This beautiful animal is going to be raffled off....Anyone can get this "baby" and abuse him....Please sign this petition to stopped the insanity.

Atualização #19 anos atrás
We have a victory !!!! The German Sheppard is no longer on the raffle block... They had such negativity from social media they cancelled it! Thank you all for your signatures....We are the voice for the voiceless...Marie
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