Thank CA Senator for Her Efforts to Protect Domestic Violence Victims and Their Pets
- por: Care2
- destinatário: Senator Sheila Kuehl
Studies have shown that an estimated 25 to 40 percent of domestic violence victims are unable to escape their abusers because they worry about what will happen to their pets or livestock, thus perpetuating the abusive situations they live in. In fact, 71 percent of pet-owning women in shelters reported that a pet had been threatened, injured or killed by their abuser.
We as a nation learned after the disaster of Hurricane Katrina that people seeking protection need to be able to protect their pets, too. Senator Sheila Kuehl understands how important the human–animal bond is, and has drafted critical legislation in California to include pets in domestic violence protection orders. This legislation is an important step in preventing abusers from using pets to threaten their victims.
The ASPCA applauds Senator Kuehl's foresight in introducing this bill; if passed, California will join the states of Maine, Vermont and New York in leading the charge against domestic violence. Let Senator Kuehl know you appreciate her efforts to protect victims of domestic violence and the animals they love – sign our petition to say thank you!
Dear Senator Kuehl,
We the undersigned wish to express our gratitude to you for introducing California S.B. 353, an act amending section 6320 of the Family Code to include pets in domestic violence protection orders. This bill will be an important step in preventing abusers from using pets to threaten their victims.
As you know, studies have shown that an estimated 25 to 40 percent of domestic violence victims are unable to escape their abusers because they worry about what will happen to their pets or livestock, thus perpetuating the abusive situations they live in.
We join the ASPCA in applauding your foresight in introducing this bill. Thank you for standing up for victims of violence and their pets!
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