Products We Spray In Our Hair, On Our Skin, And Into the Air We Breathe Were Recalled Because of Cancer-Causing Chemicals!

Recently, 30 aerosol spray hair care products were recalled, as companies warned that these items -- many of which were widely used dry shampoos and conditioners-- could contain cancer-causing benzene. But benzene isn't an ingredient in any of the recalled products. So how did it get there?

Sign now to demand corporate accountability from Procter & Gamble! It must launch a full investigation into why benzene was found in its products!

Wildly popular brands such as Pantene, Herbal Essences, and Old Spice were among those recalled -- all individual companies owned by the massive multinational corporate giant Procter & Gamble. P&G reported bringing in $76.1 billion in net sales in 2021 alone, an increase from previous years. There is no excuse for such a massively profitable corporation to not open a full investigation into how benzene could possibly end up in beauty products that people use directly on their skin and hair. Consumers deserve to know what went wrong, and the company must prove to consumers that they will take this problem seriously in the future!

While recalling and refunding consumers who purchased and used the product is an important first step, it is not enough. Many customers may have unknowingly been exposed to cancer-causing chemicals! Procter & Gamble must investigate how this happened in order to prevent it in the future! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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