Stop Animal Testing and Abuse in DPZ (German Primate Center)

  • por: Asli Gedik
  • destinatário: Gert Lindemann Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture
DPZ is one of the biggest primate research center of Europe.
Our aim is to stop animal tests all around the world. But when we look inside this center we can see that same Persons which are working for DPZ Prof. Dr. med. vet.l Franz-Josef Kaup and  Dr. med. vet. Christiane Stahl-Hennig, are also the ones supposed to control the institute according to the Animal Protection Act! This is ridiculous! They are also responsible and in control of the attrocity made in the center. They buy, sell and breed Monkeys for all kinds of tests. They provide other institutes with samples of vivo as well as post mortem sample materials! The content of the WebPages also shows the closed relation amongst zoos and such Institutes as DPZ.
Please sign this petition that will be sent to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry in order to change the situation in the centrum and in order to help us stop all animal abuse and experiments in Europe, Germany, DPZ.
Dear Mr Gert Lindemann
We, the undersigned, believe that the practice of using animals in laboratory testing is unethical, immoral, inaccurate and unnecessary. As you may be aware, many other companies are very successful without using this form of research and there are alternative methods to test your products that don't require the use of a living creature. 
DPZ is one of the biggest center of Europe. But when we look inside this center we can see that same Persons which are working for DPZ Prof. Dr. med. vet.l Franz-Josef Kaup and  Dr. med. vet. Christiane Stahl-Hennig, are also the ones supposed to control the institute according to the Animal Protection Act. This is unacceptable. They are also responsible and in control of the abuses made in the center. They buy, sell and breed Monkeys for all kinds of tests. They provide other institutes with samples of vivo as well as post mortem sample materials! The content of the WebPages also shows the closed relation amongst zoos and such Institutes as DPZ.
We believe that the control of the Institue should be done by an independant organisation. I guess you, as a highly reputable person and jurist can change the faith of these poor creatures. Can we at least have an independant person who can look up and control DPZ?
Everyday thousands of animals are been killed for no reasons in the centers all over Europe and US. Germany is the biggest and the most important economy of Europe. I believe Germany has strong positive aspects and would be a good example with changes in the area. Bremen already halt primate research:
Can you help the cause on doing the same for all Germany?
We should not abuse animals anymore. And the present situation and legislation should be better for them. Things have to change. I hope you share the same view.

I believe you will consider our petition. I hope the outcome will be positive for a better world.
Thank you for your consideration in this highly important issue.

If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals  - Albert Einstein

Kindest Regards
Asli Gedik
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