Tell Canada to Protect Polar Bears!
Polar bears already face the threat of extinction from climate change, making the loss of each animal that much more precious and that much more significant. The Canadian government not only permits polar bears to be killed by the hundreds every year, they are also increasing quotas in the face of population decline. Globally, human hunters kill 1,000 polar bears or more every year. So-called sport hunters pay up to $60,000 (Canadian dollars) just to shoot one of these magnificent animals. These hunters target the largest, most reproductively viable bears, leaving it difficult for the survivors to find suitable mates in the vastness of their ice habitat.
The irresponsible killing of this threatened species must be stopped -- now!
Please urge the Canadian government--along with the governments of Quebec, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territories--to prohibit killing polar bears for pure sport as well as commercial trade in polar bear products. Before it's too late.
Subject: Please protect polar bears
Dear [Decision Maker],
I have learned that Canada still allows polar bears to be killed by trophy hunters and for the commercial trade in their skins. Even polar bears in the seven Canadian subpopulations with declining population trends and very small population sizes are hunted. Hunting quotas are not based on scientific data and are being increased in the face of population decline.
[Your comments here]
Polar bears are already highly threatened by climate change and pollution. Their populations cannot sustain additional pressure from commercial hunting. I urge you to ban the unsustainable hunting of polar bears and to ensure that such a ban is strictly enforced.
Thank you for considering this request.
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