Stop Martin County Florida Sheriffs From Wasting Your Money

  • por: John Doe
  • destinatário: The United States Justice Department and the Governor of Florida Rick Scott.

To review the current case before Judge McCann of the many violations of the Martin County Sheriffs Department over seen by Sheriff William Snyder of the many violations of the Florida Statues including a cover up by Martin County Sheriffs Department in the attack of William C. Westervelt by law enforcement D/S Joseph Kukuvka. Violations to include destruction of evidence, manufacturing evidence, suppressing evidence to create false narrative to protect several employees of convictions.

William Westervelt was attacked two times in the Martin County jail by Deputy Joseph Kukuvka. Sheriff William Snyder, has gone to great lenghts to cover this incident up by destroying the video feed and falsefying evidence. The resident taxpayers of Martin County Florida and the resident taxpayers of Florida should support this initive as it would send a message to all law inforcement agencies that illegal behaviours that harm innocent citizens should not be covered up by fancy expensive legal firms at the taxpayers expense. Taxpayers must demand what lawsuits are these agencies are involved in and why? What are the costs associated with these law suits? Why are the lawfirms representing these agencis getting rich off of the little guy the taxpayer? William Westervelt is representitive of many incidents that happen on a daily basis. Is it not time to get involved? see blog

Atualização #110 anos atrás
Update see blog:
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