Say No to Fracking: Ohio's Health and Environment is Not for Sale

  • por:
  • destinatário: Ohio Governor John Kasich
Ohio Governor John Kasich is considering opening the door in Ohio for the incredibly dangerous method of dirty gas drilling called hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking."

Fracking has left contaminated groundwater and wrecked environments across America. Wastewater released into the local water supply can carry toxic chemicals and contaminants. Recent studies have linked fracking to high levels of methane in drinking water.

In some places where fracking took place, people could even light their tapwater on fire.

Allowing fracking would open the doors to irreversible environmental damage in Ohio that could leave us and our families' health at great risk. The disastrous effects the process could have on our communities and environment will never be worth a quick and dirty buck.

Tell Governor Kasich that the health of our families and environment is not for sale!
Governor Kasich:

The process of drilling for gas called hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking" is incredibly dangerous to both the environment and the people living nearby.

[Your comments will be added here]

Fracking has left contaminated groundwater and wrecked environments across America. Wastewater released into the local water supply can carry toxic chemicals and contaminants. Recent studies have even linked fracking to high levels of methane in drinking water.

Allowing fracking in Ohio would open the doors to irreversible environmental damage that could leave us and our families health at great risk. The disastrous effects the process could have on our communities and environment will never be worth a quick and dirty buck.

Please, protect the health of our families and environment and do not allow fracking in Ohio.
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