Ontario's pit bull ban is an unfair law based on ignorance - because getting rid of a breed does not get rid of the problem.

Bill 16: An act to amend the Animals for Research Act and the Dog Owners' Liability Act with respect to pit bulls.

Signing this petition will tell the government to bring Bill 16 to third reading. Once the vote is passed these beautiful animals will no longer be banned in Ontario.

Bill 16 is in the final stages. It has to go to third reading. The Ontario Liberals who instated this bill control the agenda, we need them to bring it forth for a third reading. Once it goes to the third reading, there is a vote. If it passes the vote, the law is rewritten and the ban removed.

Dear Priemer McGuinty:

Animal Warriors Global along with the undersigned believe the ban on Pit bulls should come to an end. There is no proof that these dogs are dangerous to any one. Please help stop the ignorance and the fear by passing Bill #16. In doing so these beautiful, loving dogs will find caring homes in Ontario. This will be a major step forward in the animal welfare community. Ontario will be way ahead of its time in making these cahnges. We will be known for our compassion and love for all animals. Thank you so much for your time.

Yours Truly

Rory Tipping


Animal Warriors Global

along with all of the people throughout the world who signed this petition.

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