Restore the Rights of Modern Slavery Survivors

2024 marks the thirteenth year The Salvation Army has worked with partners across the country to support 24,565 survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking.

In recent years the rights of survivors have been eroded which may have left many excluded from the vital support they need and others too afraid to seek help from the authorities. 

It is vital that people who have been tricked, trapped, and traded in the UK do not fear that they will be detained and even removed if they report their abuse, receive support or help the police tackle this growing crime.

The Salvation Army estimates that for every one survivor of modern slavery given the opportunity to receive support, at least thirteen more remain trapped and exploited.

The Government urgently needs to restore survivors' rights by reassessing the policies that may be inadvertently pushing victims further into the shadows.

Will you join us and call for the rights of survivors to be restored so they get the help they need?

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