Don't Let a Coal Lobbyist Run the EPA

President Trump has accepted embattled EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's resignation. But the next in line — Andrew Wheeler — went from coal lobbyist to Deputy EPA Administrator, and now he's taking the reins.

He's devoted his career to defending the interests of the nation's largest polluters, as a lobbyist and in jobs on Capitol Hill. As he leads the EPA, he will likely use his bureaucratic knowledge to continue to work for the goals of his past clients — with tragic results for our air, water, kids and health.

Wheeler could be more dangerous than Pruitt. Take action today, and tell the Senate: We need real change at the EPA.

SUBJECT: Don't let a coal lobbyist take the reins at EPA

Dear [Decision-Maker],

I am thrilled that President Trump has accepted Scott Pruitt's resignation from his post at EPA. But I am gravely concerned about the agency's future with Andrew Wheeler taking the reins.

Wheeler went straight from lobbying for polluters to working at the EPA. At the helm of the agency, he is likely to put industry interests above the health and safety of the American people. We cannot allow that to happen.

Please call for the nomination of a true environmental leader to run the EPA, and oppose the nomination of anyone who will undermine EPA's true mission: Protecting Americans.

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