Join the Fight Against Hunger

The hunger crisis is hitting children hard. 

Globally, 148 million under 5 are stunted from malnutrition, while 1 in 5 kids face food insecurity right here at home. 

That's why strengthening key programs in the Farm Bill can't wait. These lifesaving programs help feed families in the U.S. and worldwide, giving children a precious chance to survive and thrive.    

Every moment matters in the fight against hunger. Tell Congress: It's time to build a better Farm Bill.  

To whom it may concern: 

Hunger is hitting children hard. Globally, 148 million under 5 are stunted from malnutrition, while 1 in 5 kids face food insecurity right here at home.  

When you return to Washington after the election, I urge you to take action on the Farm Bill to protect and strengthen programs that are working to feed children in the U.S. and around the world.  

The Farm Bill authorizes our nation's largest nutrition assistance program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), as well as U.S. international food aid programs like Food for Peace and McGovern-Dole Food for Education. With hunger rising worldwide, these programs help ensure kids and their families have access to nutritious food.  

The lame duck period following the election will be a key window to influence Farm Bill negotiations. I ask that you weigh in with Agriculture Committee leadership to make it clear that SNAP and U.S. international food aid programs must be protected and strengthened.  

We cannot afford to roll back bipartisan measures to make these programs work better for kids. Please, support a better Farm Bill during lame duck negotiations so every child has a chance to survive and thrive!

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