Tell Congress: Label Genetically Engineered Food

Did you know that genetically engineered foods are unlabeled, inadequately tested, and most Americans are eating them every day?

Did you know that they have been linked to toxic and allergic reactions in people; to sickness, sterility and fatalities in livestock; and damage to virtually every organ studied in lab animals?

And did you know that 91% of Americans support labeling of genetically engineered foods?

We have a right to know what's in our food.

Please join us in asking Congress to require labeling nationwide.
To: My Senators and my Representative in Congress

I am writing to urge Congress to require the labeling of genetically engineered foods.

[Your comments here].

Genetically engineered ingredients are in 75% of the foods on America's supermarket shelves.

They have been linked to toxic and allergic reactions in people; to sickness, sterility and fatalities in livestock; and damage to virtually every organ studied in lab animals.

91% of the American public supports the right to know if foods are genetically modified. This may be the greatest level of bipartisan constituent agreement you've ever encountered on any issue in your career.

Please pass meaningful labeling legislation at least as rigorous as that presented in California's proposition 37 or the standard that is used throughout the European Union.

I have a right to know what is in my food.

Thank you.
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