Choose Spay & Neuter Program Rather Than Euthanasia of Dogs

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: Chief Minister of Kerala - Oommen Chandy

The stray dog population in parts of India is horrific and it has been announced that to deal with the problem, the animals will be euthanized.  However, the Animal Welfare Board of India has at least temporarily put a halt on the culling or mass Euthanization.  One of the major concerns is the spread of rabies.  Read full information at

There has got to be a better solution for these animals than to kill them.  Maybe if the dogs were all immunized for rabies, identified and prevented from reproducing, the whole stray problem would lessen drastically and all concerned would be happier and healthier.  As stated by Dr. Manilal Valliyate, director of veterinary affairs for PETA India, some cities, such as Jaipur and Chennai, have been able to effectively curb the problem by running successful neutering and vaccination programs.  We are encouraging such a program for these difficult areas in India.  You can help in our efforts to run a spay, neuter and vaccination program by signing and sharing this petition.



Chief Minister of Kerala - Oommen Chandy – It has been noted that some cities, such as Jaipur and Chennai, have been able to effectively curb the problem by running successful neutering and vaccination programs. Instead, it appears that root causes are not being addressed, the outcomes are being addressed. People are complaining that they are bothered by dogs and the easiest way to solve the issue is to just kill them. This is such a sad and inhumane manner to a solution.  Choose a better method that will reduce the population, identify the dogs and keep them healthy along with those they meet. Spay, neuter, vaccinate and tag!  Stop the cull!!!

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