Make Sure Every Vote Counts

In the 2000 and 2004 general elections, voters in Florida, Ohio and other states were caught up in electoral debacles that led to major problems on Election Day and voter distrust of our election system today.

And despite all the talk and promises of voting reform and improvements, major election issues remain unaddressed, and voters continue to question the integrity of our elections.

The latest problem is the electronic voting machines which were supposed to be part of the solution. These machines leave NO paper record of our votes! They provide no permanent documentation that could prove that votes are being counted accurately. In the world's greatest democracy - a democracy that in recent years has been plagued by faulty elections that undermine voter trust - this is just unacceptable.

Take action! Join Senator Evan Bayh and call on Governor Bush and Governor Taft to lead the way for verified voting in the critical states of Florida and Ohio!

Dear Governor Bush and Governor Taft,

I am concerned that your states use electronic voting machines that do not provide paper receipts. Without paper receipts, there is no way to verify election results if voting problems occur.

[your comment here]

In recent elections, voters in YOUR states - Florida and Ohio - were caught up in electoral debacles that led both to problems on Election Day and a national lack of confidence in our election system today.

I believe that all voters who use an electronic voting machine should be provided with a paper receipt so that they may verify their vote.

As the Governors of Florida and Ohio -- two states that know all too well the consequences of questionable voting systems – I urge you to set an example for the rest of the nation by insisting that any electronic voting machines used in your states must provide paper receipts. Florida and Ohio need to lead the way in making sure that all votes are counted accurately and that all voting machines allow verification of election results.

Your leadership is important not just to voters in your states but to voters nationally, because it is possible that Florida and Ohio could again determine the outcome of future presidential elections and/or which party wins control of Congress.

Please act now to assure fair and verifiable elections!


[your name]
[your address]
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