*Now, "An nuknown error has occurred" from care2 displays. I cannot do upload of a photograph, and edit of a text in all my petitions. Even "signature goal" cannot be edited. I ask "care2" for help and am waiting for e-mail. Please get to know details in petitions of other organizations.
Dall's porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli)
November 1. 2012.
After an earthquake disaster" Otsuchi and Kamaishi" resumed the Dall's porpoise fishery.
This is negotiation with the world and "Otsuchi and Kamaishi" / Governor Iwate
I will not visit "Hiraizumi " as long as Iwate Prefecture continues slaughter and captures of dolphins , small whales. as a tourist.
I want you to boycott "Hiraizumi " as a tourist.
"Hiraizumi" is registered into world heritage.
The place in many worlds expects registration to world heritage aimed at obtaining the tourist.Of course World Heritage is an international sightseeing spot. so every places want to be.
"Hiraizumi " belongs to Iwate Prefecture.
"Otsuchi and Kamaishi" are in Iwate Prefecture. "Hiraizumi " of World Heritage is in Iwate Prefecture, too.
The animal protection law of our country is not adapted for the coastal sea mammals. It is a very sly skillful law.
The governor of each prefecture gives permission of coastal dolphins.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries gives permission of coastal whaling.
Iwate Prefecture never stops slaughter and captures of dolphins and small whales for the reason of important " resources".
They express a dolphin as "marine resources" frequently.
A slaughter, dealing, a slave,,,,,, anything they want .
"India bans captive dolphin shows, says they should be considered ‘non-human’ people" What difference it is!
The tourists from the world must be important "resources" for Iwate prefecture.
Which does Iwate Prefecture want to choose for the future?
Continuation of [dolphins and small whales ]capture and slaughter ? or The tourist from the world?
This is negotiation between the world and Iwate Prefecture.
;Takuya Tasso / Governor of Iwate Prefecture
;Iwate Lifelong Learning and Culture Division
;World Heritage Centre / UNESCO
;Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ( MEXT)
;Yoshimasa Hayashi
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
*(They have not published the e-mail address. There is English contact form. )____________________________________________________________
*The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries holds up a broken theory, and is continuing fake research whaling by the Antarctic Ocean.
The Japanese government wants to make it thought "Japanese people need ingestion of whale meat" for overseas, and is desperate.
*In Japan, the balance of "the demand and supply" of whale meat has collapsed long ago. They have 5000 t. ~ 6000 t. of frozen stockpile meat.
This slaughter is continued why? And whaling by the Antarctic Ocean of a Self-Defense-Forces guard.
* Japan's Institute for Cetacean Research (ICR) controls major media, and many of Japanese of "whether the world is angry about what" are still ignorant about a whale issue.
*The Japanese government bought the vote of IWC with ODA money, and filled this slaughter even with Government Recovery Funds Stokes.
*Icelandic the endangered fin whale whale hunt were resumed. For the reason exported to Japan .(Many Japanese do not know that fin is endangered species. It does not know that Iceland resumed whaling for Japan, either. Furthermore, a dog snack is not known, either.)
Liar! This is already enough. !!!!!!
Don't let the Japanese government run into loophole. If the international law about a whale slaughter and a whale meat trade does not exist, in order to judge Japan, we should enact new international law.
The logic of the global standard is refused and it is "whaling" first. All the fake logic was attached later.
A wise man says .
"whales are migratory across the entire ocean . "
A rash act of Japan is an issue in the world.
It is a stage of a boycott to Japan which continues disregard for the world in a whale issue.
This unnecessary whale, dolphin In order to make slaughter stopped, the anti-whaling country in the world, npo, ngo, overseas media and Journalist, specialist, and and individual in the world are doing their best.
I thank to them from the bottom of my heart. love you.
The Japanese government ignores the big contrary from the world and they are moving in order to nationalize the whaling industry.
The world must not accept Industry only "the slaughter act and factory process" to other species.
Just now, Australia and New Zealand are fighting with Japan in the International Court of Justice for the whale.
Justice should be absolute and there should be so.
Many specialists are inquiring about the dolphin.
I am not in a speciality.
Please investigate details.
thank you for your time.
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