Protect Freedom of Choice

On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade recognized a woman’s right to control and decide the most private aspects of her life. Thirty-one years later, that right faces a hostile political environment like never before.

Women and men in the United States overwhelmingly support a woman’s right to choose, yet our elected representatives recently passed a bill to make one type of late-term abortion illegal, with no exception for a woman’s health. And President Bush signed it, making him the first president since Roe v. Wade to criminalize a safe abortion procedure.

But this bill is only the first step for Bush and his anti-choice cronies. Each anti-abortion law that gets passed is one more step toward outlawing Roe v Wade, and one more step backward into the back alleys of dangerous, botched, illegal abortions for women.

Tell the President: we won’t go back. We value the rights of women, and we value our fundamental freedoms. Sign this petition to protect a woman’s right to choose.
Petition Target: Petition to President Bush

Dear President Bush,
I believe the decision about whether or not to choose an abortion should be a woman's choice, not the government's. I urge you to use the power of the Presidency to protect our freedom to make our most personal decisions without government interference. And I urge you to nominate justices who have a demonstrated commitment to protecting our most important rights, including our right to choose.

The Undersigned
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