Yorkshire: Say NO to Beagle Research Farm!

Nobody wants to live next to a place where sweet dogs are abused for research purposes, and that's why East Riding Council's planning committee rejected plans to build a beagle farm used to hold 300 breeding dogs and produce pups to be used in painful experiments.

Yorkshire Evergreen, which owns the site, is appealing to the Planning Inspectorate to reverse the decision. They claim the breeding mill will create jobs and improve animal welfare by eliminating air travel. Of course, they have no real interest in animal welfare or they would choose modern, more accurate, cruelty-free research methods rather than harm dogs.

The residents of Yorkshire do not need a depressing reminder of dog abuse near their homes, and there is no need to continue abusing these dogs when more sophisticated methods are now available. Please sign the petition to convince the UK Planning Inspectorate to reject Yorkshire Evergreen's appeal to build a beagle farm!

As you know, East Riding Council's planning committee rejected plans to build a beagle farm used to hold 300 breeding dogs and produce pups to be used in research experiments.

We understand that Yorkshire Evergreen, which owns the site, is appealing to the Planning Inspectorate to reverse the decision. They claim the breeding mill will create jobs and improve animal welfare by eliminating air travel. However, there is no need to involve animals in research at all when modern, cruelty-free alternatives are available and more accurate.

The residents of Yorkshire do not need a depressing reminder of animal research near their homes, and there is no need to continue harming these dogs when more sophisticated methods are now available. We respectfully urge you to reject Yorkshire Evergreen's appeal to build a beagle farm. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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