Tell U.S. Leaders: Don't Back Out of Climate Action

The U.S. government has taken the first step toward pulling out of the Paris Agreement on climate change. This decision is alarming and short-sighted.

Science shows us that climate change is the most urgent threat facing our planet today. And the steps we must take to steer humanity away from irreparable harm cut across borders. International cooperation is not optional—it's essential.

America needs to honor our commitments to global climate action like the Paris Agreement, the unprecedented global pact among 196 nations on climate action. We cannot be silent.

Pledge to stand with The Nature Conservancy as we call on U.S. leaders to stand strong on climate change.
Dear Decisionmaker:

Immediate action on climate change is critical. Now is the time to dedicate ourselves to a low-carbon future and prevent lasting damage to all living things. Science shows us we cannot afford to wait to cut harmful carbon emissions.

I'm adding my voice to The Nature Conservancy's call to world leaders in the U.S. and beyond to act so we do not lose ground in combatting climate change, and I hope you will add your voice too.


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