Someone Stuffed Three Cats Into a Plastic Bag Full of Dirty Diapers and Pig Parts

Lindsey Holmes was out in a field tending to her horses in Manfield, United Kingdom when she noticed something out of place — a plastic carrier bag. When she got closer, she realized that it was moving, and decided to take a look. What she saw was "horrible."

Inside, was a white and brown tabby, struggling to stay alive. But that wasn't even the worst part. When she looked further, she realized that there were two other dead cats inside, a pile of dirty diapers and bloody pig parts. The entire sight was disgusting and tragic.

Why would anyone do such a thing to an animal?

The cat was rushed to the vet hoping that it might have a fighting chance, but the tabby was in such bad shape that they eventually decided to relieve her of her suffering.

No one knows if the other two cats were alive when they were carelessly stuffed in the bag and left to die, but what is known is that this cat killer is out on the loose and needs to be found quickly.

Please sign the petition and tell Mansfield Police that you support their continued search for the person who committed these disgusting acts. Sign to demand justice for the three cats.
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