Call for a revision of Animal Welfare in the UK, stop unnecessary cruelty in the meat and dairy industry.

  • por: Alex W
  • destinatário: The UK Government

Despite the public becoming aware of the vast amount of cruelty that occurs in animal based industries, said industries are not subjected to strict enough regulations that should ensure that ALL animals are treated in a humane manner - and that similarly they are slaughtered in a definitely painless way. The government needs to recognise the many barbaric methods that the meat and dairy industries employ against sentient beings in order to achieve excessive profit, and that similarly these methods (namely intensive farming, of which has been said to have increased by 26% over a 6 year period by 2017) must be discarded and much tighter regulations put in place in order to prevent further cruelty. With 100 000 signatures, this will be discussed in Parliament.

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