Stop Tangi Humane Society from giving away horses to horse traders or kill buyers where they may end up in the horse slaughter pipeline

We would like to see that Randy Stegall, the President of the Tangi Humane Society is forced to stop giving away horses that come into the Humane Society or those that are seized by the Tangi Humane Society not be given to horse traders or horse kill buyers. We would like to see that the horses are adopted out and each person interested in adopting a horse should have to fill out an application to be approved the same as the dogs and cats. The horses should be treated the same and not just given to the first person that shows up with a trailer. As a 501C3 non-profit organization, the public has great concern that the horses that end up at Tangi Humane Society are not cared for as they should be.

Five horses were recently seized by Tangi Humane Society and then given away to a well known horse trader on October 7, 2015. Those horses are now missing and the man who has picked up the horses has told several people that they are gone. This is unacceptable and an adoption process needs to be in place. As a humane society, they should be there to protect any animal that comes into their facility.

Their web site does state the following:

"Tangi Humane Society is a group of concerned individuals who have come together to improve the lives of animals in our community. We love animals, and know that special bond that comes with loving and caring for an animal. We believe these animals have a right to live in a world where love and compassion is the norm.

THS works tirelessly to improve the lives of these animals by investigating cruelty, abuse, neglect and fighting, and by rescuing, sheltering and fostering. "

We do not believe they are upholding their mission statement that states the following:

Stop Cruelty
We investigate and work with local authorities to enforce laws to protect animals from abuse and neglect. Animal cruelty can be a felony in Louisiana. We actively work to aid in the prosecution and punishment of animal abusers.

Restore Health
When animals come into the care of Tangi Humane Society, they are first quarantined and receive appropriate veterinary care. We provide a safe, clean envirnoment so they can heal, regain their strength and ultimately find new, loving homes.

Loving Homes
When our rescuse are ready for adoption, we host Pet Adoption Days in the community so people can meet and possibly adopt our rescued pets. Applications are taken and carefully considered before any animal is adopted.

Teach Respect
Tangi Humane Society Volunteers speak in local elementary schools on the importance of humane animal care and responsible pet ownership. They also work with local community groups to raise funds and awareness to help end the cycle of animal neglect and pet overpopulation.

Stop Overpopulation
We work with local veterinarians to bring low-cost spay/neuter services to rural parts of the Parish to help curb the pet overpopulation problem that is so prevalent.

We ask that you investigate this matter.

Dear Mr. Schedler, 

Many concerned and upset citizens all over the country and even outside of the United Stated have signed our petition asking for an investigation at the Tangi Humane Society. We would like you to take this situation serious and help the horses and all animals that arrive there. 

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