Tell the ATF to Regulate Ghost Guns

Ghost guns may be the scariest and fastest growing gun safety threat in the country, allowing anyone to make an untraceable weapon in less than an hour.

Now, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is asking for the public to weigh in on a proposed rule that will help stop the spread of these ghost guns and save lives.

How to submit your comment:

Clearly express your support for the proposed life-saving rule. (We've provided an example below)

If you need to look up the proposed rule, its formal title is ATF 2021R-05.

Paid for by Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund.
By clicking the sign now button, you are verifying that you are not making any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation regarding your identity, and you give to Care2 the authority to submit this comment and your complete first and last name for docket number ATF 2021R-05 to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, on your behalf, including but not limited to through the website You agree to's terms of participation and privacy notice. You understand that your comment, including any personal information provided, will be publicly posted to the Federal eRulemaking portal,, and will be available for public viewing at ATF. It will also be subject to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552).
Dear [elected official],

I am writing in support of ATF's proposed rule (Docket No. ATF 2021R-05) that would help stem the rise of ghost guns.

This proposed rule is a win for public safety and a loss for any criminals or extremists who want to buy untraceable guns with no background check and no questions asked. Ghost guns may be the scariest and fastest-growing gun safety threat in the country, allowing anyone to make an untraceable weapon in less than an hour. Additionally, they have emerged as a weapon of choice for violent criminals, gun traffickers, dangerous extremists, and other people legally prohibited from buying firearms. I urge the ATF to finalize this rule and protect public safety.

[Your name]
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