Demand that McCurtain County, DA Mark Matloff charge Jeromy Mixon and Brad Stewart with animal abuse or RESIGN!

  • por: Kathe Higgins
  • destinatário: Wayne Pacelle, Humane Society of the US, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt; Oklahoma Assistant Attorney General Julie Bays; McCurtain County DA Mark Matloff; Millerton Mayor, Buck Irwin Sr., Wayne Pacelle, Humane Society of the United States

On June 7, 2015, Jeromy Mixon and Brad Stewart of Millerton, Oklahoma flipped or tripped a horse, which is illegal in Oklahoma, and hog-tied its legs. While the horse was tied up, Mixon stood on the horse and whipped it. Then, the culprits posted on Facebook the pictures of the torture along with videos and laughed about it.

When I found this on FB, I immediately contacted Millerton's sheriff's office and was told the DA was handling the case. I called the DA's office who sent me back to the Sheriff's office who sent me back to the DA's office where I was told that I was about the 500th caller. I kept calling the DA's office and was able to speak with Mark who said the pictures were despicable, but he didn't have any evidence. He was very defensive with me, especially when I said it was rumored that he was friends with Mixon and Stewart.

Here are the pictures, which are evidence. I heard a judge say that a good attorney could build a strong case with enough circumstantial evidence. The pictures and videos are evidence.


Animal abuse is a felony in all 50 states and federal law "trumps" state law. Mark, do your job and charge these perpetrators with animal abuse or RESIGN!

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