Protect African Cats From Extinction

Africa's great cats are in danger of extinction.

There are only around 20,000 lions in the world today, but there were 450,000 in the 1940's. At the rate we're going, we could lose the King of the Jungle as early as 2020.

The worlds' big cats are losing their habitats to human expansion, poached for their skins and parts and poisoned by local live-stock ranchers. These beautiful wild animals are important parts of their eco-system and can bring in tourism revenue, just by being themselves in the wild.

Don't allow these majestic animals to go extinct. By introducing and passing The Great Cats and Wild Canids Act, the U.S. would support on-the-ground conservation programs that fight to protect big cats.

Tell your senator to support The Great Cats and Wild Canids Act, ensuring that the King of the Jungle will rule for generations to come.
African lions are beautiful and majestic creatures, but they, along with other big cats and canids, are facing an impending extinction that grows closer everyday.

In the 1940's, there were almost 450,000 African lions world-wide, but today that number has dwindled to a mere 20,000, and their population is constantly threatened. Big cats and canids are vulnerable to habitat loss, poaching and poisoning from live-stock ranchers.

The Great Cats and Wild Canids Act would provide vital financial support to on-the-ground conservation programs that work to protect big cats and wild canids.

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We have to ensure that the King of the Jungle continues to rule for generations to come. I urge you to take a stand for great cats and wild canids everywhere. Once the bill is introduced, I urge you to support the Great Cats and Wild Canids Act.
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