End bow culls on Brooklyn Center's Deer and create a humane shelter for the region's animals

  • por: Nicole Corrado
  • destinatário: Government of Brooklyn Center Minnesota and nearby areas

The City of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota has some of the most inhumane animal "service" practices. They shoot deer with arrows in January in parks after luring them with bait. Killing animals only serves to leave more room for other animals to move in. Please stop killing deer and use education and non lethal ways to live with them.

Please also introduce pet licensing to Brooklyn Minnesota. Licences allow pets to be returned home safely.

Brooklyn Center, and the nearby cities of Maple Grove, Brooklyn Park, Champlin, Crystal, New Hope, and Plymouth, has no animal services seperated from police services.  They only have a police pound called Pups Under Police Security, which only services dogs. There, pets, livestock, and wild animals are all responded to by police via 911. This often results in animals being shot or injured. We would like Brooklyn Center and its nearby municipalities to develop a no kill, not for profit Animal Shelter that attends to all animals seperate from the police.  We would also like these municipalities to connect with wildlife rehabilitation centres, pet rescues, and farm sanctuaries.

We would also like the Dangerous Dog laws changed so that destruction is no longer mandated as a punishment. We would like Brooklyn Center to adopt a non lethal breed neutral dangerous dog program based on the City of Toronto, Canada'a bylaw. We would like Brooklyn Park and other nearby municipalities to adopt the Toronto bylaw model, to remove destruction of dogs and rabies testing as penalties.  Post bite vaccines are safe enough to use without testing of the animal.

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