Stop investing my money in fossil fuels!

  • por: Trócaire
  • destinatário: Minister Michael Noonan, Minister Paschal Donohoe, Minster Dennis Naughten

The burning of fossil fuels is a major driver of climate change which is exacerbating hunger & global poverty.

Millions of people in East and Southern Africa right now do not have enough food due to drought.

The Irish government is investing our money in some of the dirtiest and most controversial fossil fuel companies in the world. These companies are fuelling climate change, and they don’t plan to stop.

We have a chance to change this.

Ireland’s investments in these companies are being reviewed right now.

Email the Ministers responsible and tell them to withdraw these investments immediately. 

Your email will be sent to: 

  • Michael Noonan, TD Minister for Finance 
  • Paschal Donohoe, TD Minister for Expenditure & Reform
  • Dennis Naughten, TD Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment  

Dear Ministers Noonan, Donohoe & Naughten

The urgent need to phase out fossils fuels is clear if we are to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2°C.

We know that the majority of remaining coal, oil and gas reserves need to stay in the ground in order to reach this goal.  Despite this, fossil fuel companies are continuing to extract and explore for more and more fossil fuels.  The continued investment of Irish taxpayers' money in these companies via the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF) is enabling them to do this.

Decisions are being made now on the ISIF's investment strategy.

Please be on the right side of history and speed up Ireland’s transition to a carbon-free society. Fully divest the ISIF's investments in the very industry which is fuelling climate change and adopt a 100% renewables policy for energy investments for the Fund. It's time to take our money out of the problem and put it into the solutions.

Yours sincerely

[Your name]

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