Wicca Deserves Respect and Recognition

  • por: Samantha Boyden
  • destinatário: George Bush,, President of the United States
President Brush fails to recognize the oldest religion in the world as a religion, Wicca.

This is a nation that is founded on freedom of religion, that is built upon the concept of respect for religious beliefs. Wicca is a religion that deserves both respect and recognition throughout the U.S.

As our nation's leader, President George Bush must set an example by paying due respect to Wicca as a religion, as it has been around as long as any other religion in the U.S.

Take a moment and tell Bush what you feel. Tell him that he too should recognize Wicca as a religion and set a good example to the rest of the nation.

President Bush,

Paganism/Witchcraft is the oldest religion in the world. As the nation's leader you have a responsibility to lead by example. You must live the Bill of rights, uphold the constition, and ensure that all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Within that, you must offer the recognition and respect to Wicca religion as a religion. Without recognizing Paganism/witchcraft/wicca as a religion suggests that you are unwilling to uphold the commitments that you have been sworn to under oath as President of the United States. In order to maintain the respect of your populace, you must respect their rights and freedoms of religions. you must recognize and respect differences of religions, even if you, yourself do not agree with those religions.

We the undersigned would like you to reconize the old Wicca religion as in fact a religion, and show your nation that you are committed to the oath of President of the United States.

The Undersigned.
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