Thank The Humane Society for Endorsing a Presidential Candidate

  • por: Care2
  • destinatário: Humane Society Legislative Fund
We are living in historic times. The Humane Society Legislative Fund just announced their endorsement of a presidential candidate - the first time in history they have done so!

Too often, companion animals are left out in the cold by our decisionmakers that craft and implement the law. In order to have good laws, we need compassionate, pro-animal lawmakers! The Society's endorsement did not depend on political affiliation or even how many pets the candidate has, but only on where the candidate stands on animal protection policies.

This endorsement sends a clear message to the world that animal rights are important, and deserve protection under the law.

Join us in sending a big thank you to the Humane Society for speaking up on behalf of animals across the United States this election season, and beyond!
Dear Humane Society Legislative Fund,

Thank you for taking a stand on behalf of animals all across the country through your endorsement of a presidential candidate. As someone who cares deeply about protecting all animals from cruelty, exploitation and neglect, I appreciate your choice to make this historical endorsement.

[Your comment here]

Too often, animals go without a voice in decisions that impact them directly. Thank you again for endorsing a presidential candidate that promises to give animals a voice under the law.
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