Help Stop One of the Most Destructive Projects on Earth

Our continent's greatest songbird nursery is in grave danger as oil companies violently strip-mine tar sands -- the world's dirtiest oil -- in Canada's Boreal forest. The resulting devastation could ultimately claim some 160 million migratory birds -- including many of the songbirds we love seeing and hearing every summer.

Now, a shocking oil industry plan would drive even MORE destruction of the Boreal while threatening the U.S. with environmental havoc. The Keystone XL pipeline would transport raw, toxic tar sands oil right through the American heartland, endangering sensitive ecosystems and fresh water for millions of Americans.

This continent-wide disaster is designed to boost oil company profits. Everyone else loses. But the U.S. State Department is rushing toward approval of this fiasco -- unless we mobilize swiftly to stop them.

Sign this Letter of Protest to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
To: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

I am appalled that the State Department has been rushing headlong toward approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, which could devastate the environment in both Canada and the United States. Tar sands development has been called the "most destructive project on Earth" because it is laying waste to the great Boreal forest, obliterating migratory bird nesting grounds and spewing excessive global warming pollution. In addition, transporting the world's dirtiest oil to refineries in Texas will directly threaten some of the American heartland's most sensitive ecosystems and drinking water supplies, while raising gas prices in the Midwest.

It is unconscionable that your agency has still not studied the far-reaching dangers of this Big Oil-sponsored pipeline -- or fully considered the clean energy alternatives. Your Administration's own EPA has called your latest review "environmentally objectionable." I call on you to deliver the kind of "robust review" that both you and President Obama promised the nation. An unvarnished report of this pipeline's true environmental and economic costs will make it crystal clear that it is NOT in our national interest and must be rejected.

The Keystone XL pipeline will enrich the oil giants while Americans pay for it with our environment, our climate and even our lives. As we move toward a clean energy future, there is no room for the most destructive oil on the planet. I urge you to prevent this disaster-in-the-making by rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline.
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