Stop the Slaughter of Stray Dogs in Turkey

Turkey has long been celebrated for its compassionate treatment of stray dogs, with communities coexisting peacefully with these animals. Unfortunately, recent legislation, often referred to as "The Massacre Law," has drastically changed this landscape. This law allows for the killing of stray dogs deemed sick, disabled, or belonging to banned breeds, while others are to be collected and placed in city shelters—facilities known for their horrific living conditions.
With an estimated 4 million stray dogs in Turkey, there is simply not enough space in these shelters. Animal activists fear that this will result in the brutal slaughter of even healthy and friendly dogs. Tragically, this fear has already materialized, with reports of innocent dogs being killed in barbaric ways. They are being poisoned, beaten, shot, and even decapitated. It is truly horrific.
While we recognize the need for effective animal control to ensure community safety, mass culling is not a humane solution. We urge the Turkish government to repeal this law and adopt humane methods of animal control, including sterilization and comprehensive public education programs. This compassionate approach not only safeguards the welfare of these animals but also sets a positive example for other countries facing similar challenges.
Please sign and share this petition today—let's demonstrate to the Turkish government that a kinder, more humane path is possible. Together, we can make a difference!
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