Clean My Ride - Increase Fuel Economy Standards

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The House plans to debate an energy bill designed to increase energy efficiency, close loopholes for oil and gas drilling on public lands, and make the energy grid more energy efficient.

However, it does not significantly increase motor vehicle fuel economy standards or increase the availability of alternative fuels to use in our vehicles.

To increase energy independence and stop global warming, we need more efficient vehicles and cleaner fuels. The House should adopt a provision setting a mileage standard of 35 miles per gallon by 2020. This would save 1.2 million barrels of oil per day in 2020, and save consumers at least $25 billion. Another needed reform would require a certain portion of service stations to sell flexible fuel alternatives to replace oil based gasoline.

Without such measures, the U.S. will continue to consume vast quantities of oil and generate global warming pollution.

Tell Congress to improve vehicle fuel economy and make flexible fuels more available to consumers. Tell Congress: Clean My Ride and Flex My Fuel!

Dear Representative:

America must increase its energy independence and stop global warming. To accomplish these goals, I strongly urge you to vote for provisions that require cars and light trucks get 35 miles per gasoline by 2020, and to require some service stations sell ethanol for flexible fuel cars. These two measures will reduce oil use, save families' money, and lower global warming pollution. Please support them as essential parts of energy legislation.

Thank you.

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