Please don't be fooled by photos of adorable cloned monkeys. Zhong Zong and Hua Hua will live their lives in pain.

"The provoking photo of the two cloned monkeys, Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua, says it all. Look at them clinging to each other nervously, their wide eyes both beautiful and haunting. What have these babies seen in the laboratory where they were created? How has it been for them to have the scientists picking and poking at them? Look into their eyes.
The expensive PR machine behind the project has presented news of the first cloned monkeys as a "breakthrough"." I urge you to contact the Institute of Neuroscience in Shanghai and say that you do not support the cloning of animals that will be used for research, and that Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua should be transferred, immediately, to a caring animal sanctuary. Please send a message to

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