Tell Biden to expand the Supreme Court!

  • por: OD Action
  • destinatário: President Biden

In a devastating week for the nation, the extremist right-wing judges of the Supreme Court have given Donald Trump the power of a king with their reckless ruling in the presidential immunity case.

Coming on the heels of the breathtaking corruption scandals surrounding multiple members of the court, it's clear that the President's fears of a "politicized" court have come to pass already — and it's time to take drastic action to hold this unelected body accountable.

Expand the Supreme Court!

Willfully throwing decades of judicial precedent in the garbage in order to impose an extremist, far-right MAGA agenda on an unwilling American populace, the Court has proven that they cannot be trusted to rule impartially but are in fact serving the ideological demands of their billionaire backers.

Our only recourse is to neuter their power by expanding the Supreme Court and adding more judges who will actually do what's best for the American people, not rewriting the law as they see fit to accommodate their personal prejudices.

Tell Biden to expand the Supreme Court!

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