Tell your MP to stop fuelling wildfires!

This is Canada's worst wildfire season on record.

Tens of thousands of people in Canada have evacuated their homes — taking what they can and facing an uncertain future. Indigenous communities, in particular, have seen some of the most serious damage from the fires so far.

Wildfire smoke — like climate change — knows no borders. As the haze continues to choke communities across Turtle Island, some smoke has even reached as far as Norway. Air pollution from wildfire smoke leads to an increased risk of lung disease, heart disease, and cancer.

Throughout Canada, firefighters are bravely battling wildfires, doing everything they can to protect us and the places we love — and now it's time for political leaders to step up.

These aren't normal wildfires. Climate change — as a result of burning coal, oil, and gas — has created what experts call "supercharged" wildfire seasons. We need to rein in the destruction while we still can.

Here are three things your MP can do to build firebreaks for the climate emergency:

  • Stop approving new fossil fuel projects
  • Ban thermal coal exports immediately
  • Regulate our financial industry to stop billions pouring into oil, gas, and coal developments

Politicians must put people and the planet first by slashing carbon emissions now. Sign now and tell your MP to stop fuelling wildfires!
This is Canada's worst wildfire season on record.

Smoke from wildfires is now impacting almost every province and increasingly drawing attention to the impact the climate crisis is having on our daily lives.

Emissions from Canadian oil, gas, and coal, are polluting the world with carbon, driving climate change, and putting us all at risk. Canada is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world.

Firefighters are bravely battling wildfires across several provinces, but this is just putting a band-aid on the problem. What is needed is immediate action from political leaders like you to reduce emissions and put Canada on the path to a healthy and sustainable future.

As my elected representative, you have the power to make this change. I strongly urge you to take these three decisive actions when parliament returns in fall 2023:

- Commit to end approvals of any new fossil fuel project
- Introduce regulations for Canada's financial industry to stop billions in funding for oil, gas, and coal developments
- Introduce an immediate ban on thermal coal exports

You have the power to ensure that Canada can achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and achieve a net-zero future. But I want to see greater commitment to this task from you and your parliamentary colleagues when you return from the summer recess.

People across Canada are counting on you to do the right thing.

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