Shame On You, Governor Walker!

  • por:
  • destinatário: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

This week, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his ideological Republican supporters rammed a controversial – and possibly illegal – bill through the State Senate that strips unions of collective bargaining power.

Public employees have a right to the protection that union negotiations provide. Denying them that right is not the way to cut state spending -- it's simply a political maneuver to take out unions and hurt Wisconsin's working class.

The actions of Governor Walker and his radical right colleagues in the Wisconsin Senate are a disgrace to democracy. Sign the petition and tell Governor Walker to reinstate collective bargaining power for unions.

Dear Governor Walker:

Shame on you and your Republican colleagues in the State Senate for forcing through a controversial -- and possibly illegal -- bill that would eliminate most collective-bargaining rights for public employees' unions.

[Your comments will be added here.]

Public employees have a right to the protection that union negotiations provide. Denying them that right is not the way to cut state spending -- it's simply a political maneuver to take out unions and hurt the working class.

Your actions are a disgrace to democracy and the state of Wisconsin. Listen to the people of Wisconsin and the struggling working class: reinstate collective bargaining power for unions, stop your political games and face up to the real challenges of Wisconsin's budget.
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