Let the Boyd's Keep their domestic ducks!

Somone has filed a complaint about us having ducks in our yard in a beautiful enclosed pen. They do not quack (muscovy breed) and are very well kept, and not used for harvesting or egg collecting. Larry, Moe and Curly are so friendly and beautiful; The township wants to get rid of them! They are so important to me, I am afraid they will go to a bad home or even be killed. I have had them for about a year and a half now and am very knowledgable in rasing them. I am stationed In Korea for a Tour until January 2018, AND I WANT TO COME HOME TO MY BABIES ❤️
Atualização #37 anos atrás
So I just got word that the township accepted our paperwork and our hearing is the 20th of November!!! Thank you guys so much for signing and helping. Everymorning that I wake up and lace my combat boots up for work I look at their photo. They mean so much to me. And for anyone curious these are DOMESTIC ducks so it is not harmful to have them. I have raised them since they were 4 days old, leaving them in the wild would have them killed. Thank you <3
Atualização #27 anos atrás
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I wish i could personally thank each and every one of you. So wednesday we found out they gave us an extenstion till December, which is when the hearing is, one month before i return from my tour. So my goal is to keep the petition up and running until then to get as many signatures as i can, its the only thing i can really do being all the way over here. Its all because of you guys and i thank you, thank you for helping and supporting me, i will keep you updated!
Atualização #17 anos atrás
Thanks So much for all the signatures so far. I am getting word from home that on Wedneaday we will have an official status change on the situation thus far. A go/no go will be decided and if it's a No Go, we will fight! I'd like to thank every single one of you who signed and to continue to sign and share! Thank you from Korea, Kamsahamnida
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