Investigate Michigan DNR director Rodney Stokes over forced shooting of baby piglets

Michigan DNR's is forcing small-scale pig ranchers to slaughter their own livestock or be arrested as felons. This is part of Michigan's new "Invasive Species Order" which maliciously and unlawfully targets traditional pig livestock as an invasive species, based entirely on their hair color and other physical traits. Armed raids are being conducted on Michigan ranchers and farmers. Just this last week, one Michigan farmer was forced to shoot his own livestock in cold blood -- including twenty baby piglets and pregnant sows.

Michigan Department of Attorney General

Lansing Office

G. Mennen Williams Building, 7th Floor
525 W. Ottawa St.
P.O. Box 30212
Lansing, MI 48909

Dear Attorney General,

We request an investigation into Michigan's Department of Natural Resources director Rodney Stokes.  Mr. Stokes has overstepped his authority  with Michigan's new "Invasive Species Order" which maliciously and unlawfully targets traditional pig livestock as an invasive species, based entirely on their hair color and other physical traits.

Traditional heritage pigs are being slaughtered at gunpoint and that Michigan ranchers are told they will be arrested and charged as felons if they resist. During the second week of April, one Michigan farmer (bakersgreenacres) was forced to shoot his own livestock in cold blood -- including twenty baby piglets and pregnant sows.  Other farmers are fearful for their livestock.

These animals are not "feral" pigs. If it's in a house (or on a ranch, within the fences), then it's not feral, is it? It's domesticated.

While DNR director Rodney Stokes could have decided to hold off on the armed raids and argue the merits of the ISO in Michigan's courts, he instead decided to escalate the violence and bring guns to farms where unjustified violence has now been committed against the animals there. This shows a striking disregard for life and liberty. It is a very dangerous sign to see a departmental director openly advocating such acts of violence against the citizens of the State of Michigan on their property.

An investigation into the actions and decisions of DNR director Rodney Stokes -- and the decisions that led to the inexplicable terrorizing of Michigan farmers and the forced shooting of one man's entire herd of livestock- is clearly required.

Thank you.




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