Don't Let Congress Doom America's Polar Bears

Some of the the world's most beloved bears are facing an increasingly grim future... especially in the US.

President Obama has announced important new efforts to safeguard polar bear homes in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, prevent a catastrophic oil spill in the Arctic waters where they hunt, and address climate change that threatens polar bears with extinction.

Unfortunately, many in Congress and the Senate are working to defeat these proposals. Unless we make our voices heard, they very well could prevail, sacrificing the lives of polar bears for Big Oil and Gas's corporate profits.

Don't let Washington lawmakers doom the polar bear to extinction. Tell your U.S. Representative and Senators to protect polar bear habitat and reduce the pollution that causes climate change.

Dear Decision Maker,

As someone who cares about protecting polar bears, I strongly urge you to protect polar bear habitat and reduce the pollution that causes climate change.

Fossil fuel dependence is changing the climate and melting the sea ice polar bears need to survive. Oil and energy companies are making things even worse by continuing their relentless campaign to bring dirty drilling operations to essential polar bear habitat and spew even more climate changing pollution into the atmosphere.

[Your comments here]

President Obama has announced important new efforts to safeguard polar bear homes in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, prevent a catastrophic oil spill in the Arctic waters where they hunt, and address climate change that threatens polar bears with extinction.

I urge you to support these efforts and oppose any Congressional initiative that would undermine America's ability to protect polar bears.


[Your name]
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