The Chinese government recently announced plans to ban their domestic ivory trade by the end of this year. This is fantastic news for elephants, who are currently being killed for their ivory at a rate of one every 25 minutes on average.
The UK Government has previously promised a total ban on the domestic ivory trade and Secretary of State, Andrea Leadsom, has also recently renewed those promises to tackle the trade in the UK.
You can help encourage the government to follow up on its promises and introduce a total ban. As long as a legal trade in ivory in the UK exists it will be used as a cover to sell illegal modern ivory and may discourage other countries from closing their domestic ivory markets.
Urge your MP to support a domestic ivory ban by adding their name to an MP's petition (EDM 859) on the issue.
Letter subject line: The UK ivory trade
Dear MP:
I was delighted to read the news that China will be stopping its domestic ivory trade later this year. As I am sure you are aware the fate of the African elephant hangs in the balance, with one killed every 25 minutes on average. The news from China is therefore very welcome and I hope the UK government will announce a similar ban shortly (as was promised in the Conservative Party manifesto).
As long as a legal ivory trade continues to exist in the UK, it will be used by those seeking to launder modern ivory by passing it off as antique. According to figures from CITES, between 2005 and 2014 the UK was a significant re-exporter of ivory for commercial purposes, supplying 31% of the EU's total. Action here will make a significant difference to diplomatic efforts around the world, and will undoubtedly help protect elephants from poaching by reducing the demand for ivory.
Please encourage the government to put in place our own domestic ivory ban by signing EDM 859: Action to tackle the ivory trade. If you've already signed it, or you don't sign EDMs, then instead please write to the Minister, Dr. Therese Coffey MP, asking her to ensure a similar ban is put in place in the UK to help reduce the global demand for ivory.
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