Lower The Voting Age in the United States

Nations around the world are lowering the voting age, or considering lower the voting age. Several U.S. states are looking into the issue as well. Now is the time to tell U.S. officials that we want the voting age lowered!
We, the undersigned, believe:

- that as minors, our issues are not taken seriously because we lack the power to vote

-that since we pay taxes, like sales taxes, all the time, isn't that taxation without representation?

-that we are the ones who will live in this country the longest and therefore should have a say when it comes to environmental protection laws

-that we are the ones who will have to pay of the deficits that are created by today's political leaders and we should have a say when it comes to the nation's budget priorities

-that taken together, if you want young people to be responsible citizens, then it's time to give us the right to vote even before we turn 18.
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