Russia and Ukraine Peace Treaty - Please Read carefully

    If trump doesn't manage to reach a solution to end the war in Ukraine then the soldiers at the front really need to start putting in solutions. Only those of us who have been at the front or those who have been innocent victims of war will know the true price to be paid at the zero line. Ultimately it is the soldiers on both sides who have the true power to dictate the outcome of this war if we so chose to do so, not the politicians. Imagine if we the soldiers all just chose to stop? My solution would be considered very controversial to some but we are the ones with the true intelligence and its amazing some of the things you can learn from prisoners of war. If you can offer a better solution, make it known and shared so the right people might listen. Obviously power in numbers.

    A solution to this war in Ukraine.

    Russia withdraws its troops from Ukraine as does Ukraine from Russia. Nato must deny membership from Ukraine on the condition Ukraine keep and expand the international legion as Ukraine's very own NATO force open to ex serving Nato soldiers and regular civilians who wish to stand with Ukraine and funded only by Ukraine. Any foreign soldier who wishes to join the international legion of Ukraine must be conditioned to exactly the same law as Ukrainian soldiers by suspending citizenship of their birth country for 1 year with no exceptions, this is because in my observation their are many foreigners who turn up as time wasters for ukraine and bleed resources quitting after 1 mission and this will weed out the dreamers. Each government who represents the foreigners country of birth must sign this agreement with Ukraine as a treaty for freedom of choice in support to Ukraine and insurance that blood is the highest donation in war above money and military aid.

    Both sides, Ukraine and Russia must agree to a 1 year cease fire as a pending peace agreement to allow citizens on both sides the surrender of their former citizenship in support of which country they choose. Each side agrees to purchase the citizenship of the individual for an agreed price with the person choosing to sell their citizenship and what the government leader thinks they a worth to their country, this must be paid to the individual. Each citizen who owns the asset of house and land, the property becomes governed by the country the citizen chooses to join, no different than a foreign embassy being considered international soil. This will allow for a natural progression of territorial war for land based off freedom of choice and slowly the map of territory will begin to paint its own picture with red zones becoming legally occupied. The ukranian or Russian government can offer a competitive bid for the citizen valid for 30 days. After 1 year, both sides can choose to extend the agreement or resume the war with no interference from outside countries.
    With this method it will eventually become clear. there are as many pro russian Ukrainians as there are pro ukranian russians of blended families.
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