Vote NO on Sportsmen's Heritage Act

The Sportsmen's Heritage Act (H.R. 4089), a pro-hunting bill, is heading to the Senate for a vote. It combines 3 anti-wildlife proposals into a single dangerous bill.


1. It amends the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) to allow for the importation of polar bear "trophies" from Canada.


2. It removes the ability of the EPA to regulate lead ammunition--the cause of death for up to 20 million birds and other animals every year.


3. It requires federal agencies to open nearly all public lands to hunting--including national parks--


The language of the bill opens the majority of public land to hunting, and does not exclude protected wildlife refuges, national parks and monuments from recreational shooting and hunting.


The legislation could have a negative impact on wildlife, and on designated Wilderness Areas that prohibit motor vehicles in roadless areas. Opening roadless areas will leave protected places vunerable to the logging, mining and drilling industries and other developement.



Please contact your Senators and ask them to vote no on H.R. 4089 and sign the National Parks Conservation Association’s petition opposing hunting and recreational shooting in our national parks.

The Sportsmen's Heritage Act (H.R. 4089), a pro-hunting bill, is heading to the Senate for a vote. It combines 3 anti-wildlife proposals into a single dangerous bill.


1. It amends the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) to allow for the importation of polar bear "trophies" from Canada.


2. It removes the ability of the EPA to regulate lead ammunition--the cause of death for up to 20 million birds and other animals every year.


3. It requires federal agencies to open nearly all public lands to hunting--including national parks--


The language of the bill opens the majority of public land to hunting, and does not exclude protected wildlife refuges, national parks and monuments from recreational shooting and hunting.


The legislation could have a negative impact on wildlife, and on designated Wilderness Areas that prohibit motor vehicles in roadless areas. Opening roadless areas will leave protected places vunerable to the logging, mining and drilling industries and other developement.


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