Shut down the Instagram user that posts horrific animals abuse and thinks its funny!

  • por: mirabel s
  • destinatário: Instagram and eat_me_out_alive

a horrendous Instagram user is posting gruesome and appalling acts of animals abuse and thinks of it as funny, lighthearted enjoyable content! The owner of the account post acts like people shooting a pig in the head while fully conscious. along with people shooting a pet cat and cutting another pig's head off with a large axe, and once again, the pig was fully conscious. They show no compassion or think that their content is inappropriate or animal abuse, which it is. They also use Nazi symbols in their most recent post and use inappropriate and swear words.

Please sign this petition to urge Instagram to shut this person down, FOREVER!

Atualização #27 anos atrás
We Successfully made Instagram shut down the users account!!!! thank you so much for the support!!!
Atualização #17 anos atrás
Instagram has removed 1 of the horendous users posts but we need to work even harder to get the entire account deleted and end their heartless cruelty.
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