Disney: Don't Whitewash the Live-Action Aladdin Film

Recent reports have come out that Disney is planning to produce a live-action adaptation of Aladdin.

Hollywood has recently come under fire for "white-washing" characters in films - with recent examples including Gods of Egypt and Ghost in the Shell. The adaptation of Aladdin is a great opportunity for Disney to show diversity in casting and to honor the original storyline and setting of the film by casting characters of Middle Eastern decent.

Join me in urging Disney to cast Middle Eastern actors and actresses in the new Aladdin film.

Atualização #17 anos atrás
Disney is apparently struggling to cast their film. Odd, because there's a ton of capable actors who aren't white. HuffPo compiled a list here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/south-asian-actors-for-aladdin_us_5966785ae4b0d51cda5fa135?pro
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